Blog Four: Summative Entry

How does the study of literature help me to understand my own experience?

“Hope and faith nonetheless ring true

On the other side, we will emerge brand new

Azure skies will breathe new life

When doors are open and gone is our strife”

These are the closing lines from the poem of my first blog post this semester, written in the heart of lockdown. I wrote about the blooming of Jacaranda in Spring and our emergence from Covid restrictions with a renewed thirst for life. As I write this final, reflective blog post, Spring has sprung, and life has resumed. Studying ‘Literature Across Time and Space’ has provided me with a place to reflect upon my lived experiences. My second blog post explored several unique productions of Othello, which at the time presented me with a reprieve from the monotony of life stuck at home. The journal entries of Dorothy Wordsworth inspired my third blog post, an account reminiscing a seminal trip to Italy in 2016 and offering me a form of escapism. Ultimately, engagement with the literature showcased this semester has led me to the conclusion that we are all deeply influenced by the times in which we live, the connections we make and the experiences we share. Imitating Chaucer, exploring Shakespeare’s Othello and journaling like Wordsworth has significantly enhanced my understanding of ‘Literature Across Time and Space’. Examining the work of these authors has highlighted the commonality of human experiences, and combined with personal introspection, enhanced my understanding of my own experience. 

3 thoughts on “Blog Four: Summative Entry

  1. This is a fabulous and well written summative entry Tamara! Well done! You write with a real appreciation and an understanding of what the unit as a whole was trying to do. You have responded beautifully. And I love the design of your blog site. Very professional!
    Good wishes


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